1. Describe the task or activity that you were working on.
In class today, we were working on the space ship problem. The task said that there were 11 different people with different skills, genders, and ages. The story said that only 7 people could survive the meteorite headed towards earth. The object of the game was to choose which seven could go on the ship and which four could not. 

2. How is your work here representative of this habit? Identify specific parts that show the "habit in action."
The habit justify and support is present in this problem because when we were sharing our thoughts on which seven we should choose, we had to justify our thoughts. For example, we had to say I think the 67 year old male minister should NOT be on the spaceship because he is too old and wont live much longer. I had to justify y answer by explaining why I chose the 67 year old minister. 

3. (Answer one) How was this habit useful in helping you make progress with the task or activity? If it was not useful, how might you revise your use of this habit so that it was useful?

This habit was useful in this task because in order to get your group mates to agree with you, you need to justify your answer. Every member in my group used this task and it is important that we all know how to use this task so we can persuade people and be able to understand the problems that we are doing with a deeper meaning.
9/25/2012 02:10:07 pm

I think that the way you explained this was great because it was easy to understand, even if you hadn't tried this problem before. I didn't even think about this habit when we were doing this game, so it was interesting to think back on it and all the times that we actually did justify and support our answers.


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